Neuer Konjunkturindikator (nachlaufend)
Bloomberg berichtet:
Playboy’s playmates may be lonely at Super Bowl XLIII. The magazine, which hosted a bunny-heavy pre-game extravaganza for nine years of National Football League championships, canceled the gala for the title match between the Pittsburgh Steelers and Arizona Cardinals. Sports Illustrated also called off its party and the NFL reduced the price of some Super Bowl seats for the first time in history.
Jetzt geht's wirklich bergab. Hoffentlich hat Nouriel Roubini diese Nachricht schon berücksichtigt, als er seine jüngste Prognose abgab.
Playboy’s playmates may be lonely at Super Bowl XLIII. The magazine, which hosted a bunny-heavy pre-game extravaganza for nine years of National Football League championships, canceled the gala for the title match between the Pittsburgh Steelers and Arizona Cardinals. Sports Illustrated also called off its party and the NFL reduced the price of some Super Bowl seats for the first time in history.
Jetzt geht's wirklich bergab. Hoffentlich hat Nouriel Roubini diese Nachricht schon berücksichtigt, als er seine jüngste Prognose abgab.
Jan Schnellenbach - 29. Januar 2009 um 18.20 Uhr