Angebot, Nachfrage und etwas zuviel Optimismus

Die New York Times bringt eine lange und sehr lesenswerte Reportage über die Sub-Prime-Krise. Nicht aus der Vogelperspektive, nicht unter Zuhilfenahme eines theoretischen Modells, sondern von unten: Ein Mitglied der Wirtschaftsredaktion berichtet, wie er sich selbst beim Hauskauf verschätzte, und was dann passierte:

As I walked out of the settlement office with my loan papers, I couldn’t shake the sense of having just done something bad . . . but also kind of cool. I had just come up with almost a half-million dollars, and I had barely lifted a finger. It had been so easy and fast. Almost fun. I couldn’t help feeling like a high roller, a sophisticated player who could lay his hands on big money at a moment’s notice. Despite my nagging anxiety about the gamble that Patty and I were taking, I had whipped through the pile of loan documents in less than 45 minutes.

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