Weitere Risiken?
And on top there is an unique and unaddressed huge potential banking crisis. The Germans pride themselves on their three-legged banking system, but it is incredibly interlinked. The IMF warns that Germany could have to take at least $500bn of writedowns, which its banks have not begun to recognise. German banks hold a trillion dollars - maybe more - of maturing collateralised debt obligations that can only be refinanced by crystallising the losses. We've had RBS and you've had Citigroup. Germany's GDP will fall 6% this year - before the banking crisis has hit it.
Will Hutton im Gespräch mit Paul Krugman, abgedruckt im Guardian.
Will Hutton im Gespräch mit Paul Krugman, abgedruckt im Guardian.
Jan Schnellenbach - 17. Juni 2009 um 01.21 Uhr