Lehren aus der Finanzkrise
In a nutshell, the crisis has burst due to a number of specific technical problems in the functioning and regulation of financial markets, and it has been exacerbated by a number of mistakes made during the management of the crisis. Although these are complex problems, they can be tackled and solved with appropriate, although deep, reforms of financial regulation. If we will be able to learn from these mistakes and manage the recovery from the crisis well, the economy will be back to how it used to be, and even better, with less excesses and more stability. Talking about a crisis of capitalism, the end of globalisation, the crisis of a whole system and of way of thinking would be a huge exaggeration.
Guido Tabellini in einem lesenswerten Zweiteiler: Teil 1 und Teil 2.
Guido Tabellini in einem lesenswerten Zweiteiler: Teil 1 und Teil 2.
Jan Schnellenbach - 19. Juli 2009 um 22.11 Uhr